In Thursday’s commercial real estate news – we’ll look at the initial reaction to republican tax reform framework, whether Toys R Us will receive a cheaper rate on their bankruptcy loan, and a look at the growth at the lower end of the market.
First Take: Groups, Analysts Offer Initial Reaction to Republican Tax Reform Framework
Reactions of real estate groups and analysts to the tax-reform framework released yesterday by GOP leaders in Congress was met with mixed reviews.
Toys `R’ Us Said to Receive a Cheaper Rate on Bankruptcy Loan
While the company has a total of $3.1 billion in bankruptcy financing, including a $1.85 billion asset-backed revolver, the improved rate comes on a $450 million term loan.
Latest CoStar Composite Price Indices: Growth At Lower End Of Market Remained Hot Through Summer
This month’s CoStar Commercial Repeat Sale Indices (CCRSI) provides the market’s first look at commercial real estate pricing trends through August 2017.